API Reference


This extension adds the ability to login to a Flask-based website using [IndieAuth](https://indiewebcamp.com/IndieAuth), and to request an [Micropub](https://indiewebcamp.com/Micropub) access token.

class flask_micropub.AuthResponse(me=None, micropub_endpoint=None, access_token=None, state=None, scope=None, error=None)[source]

Authorization response, passed to the authorized_handler endpoint.


string – The authenticated user’s URL. This will be non-None if and only if the user was successfully authenticated.


string – The endpoint to POST micropub requests to.


string – The authorized user’s micropub access token.


string – The optional state that was passed to authorize.


string – The scope that comes with the micropub access token


string – describes the error encountered if any. It is possible that the authentication step will succeed but the access token step will fail, in which case me will be non-None, and error will describe this condition.

class flask_micropub.MicropubClient(app=None, client_id=None)[source]

Flask-Micropub provides support for IndieAuth/Micropub authentication and authorization.

authenticate(me, state=None, next_url=None)[source]

Authenticate a user via IndieAuth.

  • me (string) – the authing user’s URL. if it does not begin with https?://, http:// will be prepended.
  • state (string, optional) – passed through the whole auth process, useful if you want to maintain some state, e.g. the starting page to return to when auth is complete.
  • next_url (string, optional) – deprecated and replaced by the more general “state”. still here for backward compatibility.

a redirect to the user’s specified authorization url, or https://indieauth.com/auth if none is provided.


Decorates the authentication callback endpoint. The endpoint should take one argument, a flask.ext.micropub.AuthResponse.

authorize(me, state=None, next_url=None, scope='read')[source]

Authorize a user via Micropub.

  • me (string) – the authing user’s URL. if it does not begin with https?://, http:// will be prepended.
  • state (string, optional) – passed through the whole auth process, useful if you want to maintain some state, e.g. the starting page to return to when auth is complete.
  • next_url (string, optional) – deprecated and replaced by the more general “state”. still here for backward compatibility.
  • scope (string, optional) – a space-separated string of micropub scopes. ‘read’ by default.

a redirect to the user’s specified authorization https://indieauth.com/auth if none is provided.


Decorates the authorization callback endpoint. The endpoint should take one argument, a flask.ext.micropub.AuthResponse.

init_app(app, client_id=None)[source]

Initialize the Micropub extension if it was not given app in the constructor.

  • app (flask.Flask) – the flask application to extend.
  • client_id (string, optional) – the IndieAuth client id, will be displayed when the user is asked to authorize this client. If not provided, the app name will be used.